Makes: 2 servings

More than 45 minutes

A bit complex
- 1 cucumber
- 1 lime
- 100g (3.5 oz) Pearl barley
- 4 tablespoons of white cheese
- 1 apricot
- ½ red onion
- ½ green pepper
- sugar
- A few coriander leaves
- Olive oil, salt, pepper

1. Cook pearl barley 35 minutes in boiling water. Drain, season with salt and pepper. Add a drizzle of olive oil. Book.
2. Mix the cucumber, add salt, pepper, then pass the mixture through a clean cloth without stirring, to have a transparent juice. Store in the freezer.
3. Cut apricots into two, in a saucepan, put a little olive oil, do gently return the apricot, add sugar and caramelize slowly.
4. Mix the cheese with the lime. Salt, pepper.
5. At the bottom of the plate, place the Pearl barley, add the cucumber water. Place half of Apricot and lime cream. Add the red onion chopped and small slices of pepper. Decorate with a few coriander leaves.
Recipe by Sabarot
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