Makes: 5 servings

15-30 minutes

Very easy

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  • 200 g (7 oz) quinoa
  • 1 avocado
  • 150 g (5.3 oz) chickpeas
  • 1 jar 85 g (3 oz) pepper drops
  • 140 g (5 oz) of corn
  • 75 g (2.6 oz) of white baby onions
  • 30 g (1 oz) pine nuts
  • 1 handful pumpkin seeds and flax seeds
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • 1 sucrine letuce
  • 2 tablespoons pistachio oil
  • 1 tablespoon garlic vinegar
  • Salt, pepper


1. Cook the quinoa in 3 times its volume of water during 10 minutes from boiling. Drain and let cool down.

2. Wash the sucrine letuce and cut into small strips.
Wash the parsley, dry and pick the leaves.

3. In a bowl, put the cooled quinoa, drained pre-cooked chickpeas, corn, pepper drops, onions, pine nuts, parsley, the letuce and the seeds. Season and mix.

4. Serve the salad on plates and then remove the skin of the avocado and cut into thin strips, put them on your salad. You can add a drizzle of pistachio on the avocado.

Recipe by Lolibox

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