Makes: 4 servings

30 to 45 minutes


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  • 400g (14 oz) of dried or precooked chickpeas (garbanzo bean)
  • 1 large Zucchini
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 cooked potato
  • 1 teaspoon of curry
  • Bread crumbs or crackers crushed in powder (with or without gluten depending on your diet)


1. Drain your chickpeas (you can keep the conservation water for stffed white); if you’ve chosen dried chickpeas, cook them.

2. Peel and cut the potatoe and Zucchini into small pieces. Chop the shallot and put it in a wok (or skillet) with a bit of olive oil. After a few minutes, add a little water to make it translucent (you can also add one or two teaspoons of soy sauce).

Add potato and zucchini in the pan. Cook for about 10 minutes until the vegetables become tender. Season (salt, pepper).

3. In your blender, pour the drained chickpeas and the preparation of the pan. Add the curry and mix until you get a homogeneous mixture. Add bread crumbs as needed to make a consistent blend.

4. Form into balls and roll them in the breadcrumbs. Glaze them a few minutes in a pan with olive or, depending on your preference, put 10 minutes in the oven at 200 ° C.

Funny recipe to make children eat vegetables. Serve with rice and you get the combination pulses – cereal – vegetable ideal for a vegetarian menu. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe by Sabarot

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