Makes: 4 servings

30 to 45 minutes

Very easy
- 200 g (7 oz) of fair lentils
- 200 g (7 oz) of semolina
- 1 large handful of green beans
- 150 g (5.3 oz) feta cheese
- Rocket (nearby 4 handles)
- 1 Granny Smith Apple
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 lemon yellow
- Olive oil

1. Cook fair lentils, semolina and green beans. Ideally, try to cook them the day before or the morning early enough, so the ingredients have cooled for the composition of the salad.
Cook fair lenses in 3 times their volume of water according to indication on your package (about 25 minutes). Drain, salt and simply cool.
Cook green beans about 6 minutes in a large volume of slightly salted water. Drain, rinse with cold water.
Put the semolina in a bowl. Add boiling water over and stir quickly, then cover with a plate. Let swell then pour a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper before you mix and reserve.
2. Press the two lemons. Add the olive oil, crushed garlic clove, salt and pepper. Melt well.
3. In the hollow plates drop a few rocket, semolina, fair lentils, a few green beans, Apple pieces and crumbled feta. Pour a little sauce with lemon on top. Enjoy well chilled. You can also mix all the ingredients (except the rocket that you tapisserez at the bottom) then season.
Recipe proposed by Geek & balsamique
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