Makes: 6 to 8 servings

More than 45 minutes

A bit difficult
For the pastry
- 150 g (5.3 oz) flour of hulled barley
- 50 g (1.8 oz) green lentils from le Puy flour
- 65 g (2.3 oz) olive oil
- 65 g (2.3 oz) water
- 1 pinch of salt
- 3 tbsp coconut sugar
For the fructose caramel (or make your usual caramel)
- 250g (8.8 oz) fructose
- Water: 125 g + 70 g (4.4 oz + 2.5 oz)
- 1 tsp of white vinegar
For the mixture
- 500g (18 oz) grapes of different colours
- Homemade jam/marmelades (here jam of figs, apples, peaches)
- The fructose caramel

A good grapes pie with a crispy crust made with lentils flour, which gives the pastry a green mottled color before cooking and a nutty taste after ! Yummy !
1. For the pastry
In a bowl, put the flour, oil, water, salt and coconut sugar.
Work the pastry by hand, and then expand without waiting time with the rolling pin. Then spread in the pie plate with your hands.
2. For the fructose caramel
Put the fructose, 70 g of water and the vinegar in a saucepan over low heat, monitoring but without stirring.
Meanwhile boil the remaining 125 g of water. When the caramel has a beautiful caramel color, pour the boiling water while stirring (watch out for projections!).
Continue to cook stirring for a minute until the right consistency is obtained.
Put the excess in a jar. This caramel can be kept at room temperature for several weeks.
3. For the mixture
Preheat the oven to 180° C.
Wash the grape and put it in 150 g of your caramel, coat the fruits.
Spread jam or a mixture of jams on the pie crust, then drop the grape with two teaspoons to avoid being burned. Alternate grapes colors for a nice looking.
Bake at 180° C for 35-40 minutes.
Recipe by Au palmarès de la gourmandise
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