Makes: 4 servings

Duration: 30-45 minutes

Difficulty: easy
For the puree of red lentils with mushrooms
- 100g (3.5 oz) of red lentils
- A box of croqu’in
- 4 cs of soy milk
- Porcini mill
- Salt
- Pepper
For the chantilly cream
- 1 brick of soy cream
- 1/2 cc of agar

1. Cook red lentils and mix.
2. Add to the mixture 4 cs of soy milk . Season and add a few laps of porcini mill according to your tastes.
3. Fill the croqu’in with the preparation. Bake a few minutes.
4. Take up the soy creme in whipped cream with 1/2 cc of agar.
5. At the exit of the oven, place whipped cream on the croqu’in. Give a few laps of Porcini mill . Serve hot.
Recipe by Sabarot
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