Makes: 2 servings

More than 45 minutes

For the tagliatelle dough:
- 2 eggs
- 160g (5.6 oz) flour T45
- 40g (1.4 oz) Lentille verte du Puy (Green lentils from le Puy) flour
- 1 CS of olive oil
For the pesto:
- 2 bunches of Basil
- 1 clove garlic
- 15g (0.5 oz) of pine nuts
- 15g (0.5 oz) of Parmesan cheese
- 5 cl of olive oil
- Salt, pepper
For the parmesan foam:
- 10cl of liquid cream
- 1 egg white
- 50g (1.7 oz) of grated parmesan

1. Tagliatelle with lentils flour
In a bowl, pour the flours, make a hole and add eggs and olive oil. Begin to mix with a fork. When it becomes more dense, work the dough for 10 min in hand and let stand in refrigerator for 1 hour. Make the tagliatelle with a rolling mill.
2. Genovese pesto
Peel the garlic, chop coarsely. Wash and thoroughly dry the basil leaves in a paper towel. Put the 20 leaves in boiling water and then cool them in ice water. In a mortar, put the basil leaves with a bit of salt, start to crush. Add the garlic and pine nuts, continue to crush a few minutes. Finally add the parmesan, pecorino and olive oil at discretion.
3. The parmesan foam: in a saucepan, heat the cream. Add the parmesan, melt, salt, pepper. Off the heat, add egg white. Using a mixer, incorporate air into the mixture.
4. Cook 1 min the tagliatelle in boiling water. Drain. Keep a bit of cooking water.
In a skillet, put the pesto and tagliatelle, heat by adding 5 tablespoons of pasta cooking water. Put on the plate, add the parmesan foam.
Recipe by Sabarot
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